Friday, October 15, 2010


First a sneak peek at what was loaded and waiting for completion

until Matilda decided to play contrary games on me. Thought I had her all tuned up and stitching like she's supposed to; but she broke another needle, jammed and managed to put a hole in both the top and the backing before I could stop her. I am thankful that I started from the bottom and that there's more than enough background so it can be moved. Unfortunately there is one full row of quilting that needs to be frogged. Needless to say I'm less than pleased with her at the moment. Sew on to repairing the top, moving the backing up a little and starting again ~ after I figure out what her funk is about this time. Must be those rebellious teen years she's approaching.

Instead of two finished quilts I'll have to share something else I finished awhile ago. This is for the main man in my life and was supposed to be incentive for losing weight. It's been folded up in the closet for a couple years and he's still trying to lose some weight. It would fit him now but oh well.... It's made from a nubby yarn and the bottom ribbing looks like something is loose but it's actually the yarn.


  1. Wow, love this sweater. How long did it take? I'm still putzing along with little kids hats. Brainless work, but fun.

  2. Oh, and nice new design you have there.

  3. Thanks! Took me a couple years to finish it, but that was just working on it occasionally. Still trying to figure all this blog stuff out.
