Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week of Wonder

like I'm wondering where my brain went when it went on vacation. Not only am I mathematically challenged, I'm also dyslexic (?) when it comes to quilt patterns. I'm wondering how frequently I observe things without really seeing them. Probably more often than I care to know. I was getting ready to put the final border strip on my quilt and realized that ONE of the four patch units (out of 120) was flipped in the wrong direction. Flipping unit. All the time spent checking and double checking to make sure that everything was placed correctly and I still missed it. I was tempted to leave it ~ but once it made itself known, it was so obvious, I shook my head in wonderment at how I hadn't noticed it before. Flipping unit. Anyway that mistake got corrected and all the borders are sewn on so I do have a complete top (but also have my fingers crossed, cause you never know what else might rear it's naughty head). The short border problem was caused by me figuring that a 2.5" border and a 1.5" border (finished sizes) together made a 3" finished border .... duh elementary school refresher course needed maybe? My final side borders were also cut to 8" for some reason ~ I did want to add to the width of the quilt but after I cut them back so the top and bottom would work, I liked the whole look better. Top and bottom finals were a little narrower to begin with because the quilt didn't need the extra length. Final size is 68" x 90". Here's a peek:

As much as I love the border fabric, I was never completely thrilled with the light and medium chosen. Wonder if that's the reason I struggled so with this one. It should probably be called "Frog Pond" cause I did more frogging on this than ever before ~ and I am the queen of frogging! The binding strips are all pieced. The backing still needs to be washed and pieced. Hopefully once it goes on Matilda it be an easy one to quilt. The backing has big huge flowers on it and I'm seriously thinking about loading her upside down and using the flowers as pattern to quilt. Have to think on that some. 

Something else I've been working on ~ this is the "I am NOT making them a quilt" quilt top =) 

This one was a bit of a struggle, too. Notice the orange tag. Those were my row markers. Each row has either two more or two less squares than the previous row. Never tried an on point setting before but I saw one online that I absolutely loved and figured I give it a try. The first half of the top went together just like I had hoped and then came the other half. I managed to put about six rows together exactly opposite of how they should have been sewn and when I went to place them, I had way too many matching fabrics side by side and short rows where there should have been longer rows. Probably should have stuck with using only a few different colors for the rounds rather than scrappy, but I'm happy with the end result. Then last Friday evening I pulled out the backing which was ordered online and discovered that they had shorted me by half a yard. Had to wait til Monday to call and was told that they would ship correct yardage immediately and in the meantime UPS would come to pick up what I had received. With all the snow I'm wondering if it will come this week. Also wondered why I didn't check the yardage immediately upon arrival. Lots of wondering going on this week. 

Today was a beautiful sun shiny day. Something to be very happy about!


  1. I still love the colors in that first one -- but the second one -- WOW!! Absolutely love it! Looking forward to seeing them both quilted.

  2. I agree with Carol's comments, but I think it's because we are seeing the completed top on the second one, that it creates such a WOW factor. Don't dither too much on the screw-ups. Mine are many, and often turn out to be a pleasant surprise-change in what the original plan was.
    Lovin those color combos too.
