Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today has been a rainy, lazy day... not that there is not plenty to do, but I'm feeling less than ambitious at the moment. Couple projects that need completion before Christmas and still a bit of shopping to finish. Hope to complete the shopping this week and get gifts wrapped ~ then there will be a little bit of baking for our next party. Still waiting on completion of my quilt studio downstairs. The next project is to pick up foam matting for the floor. It is colder down there now so we're also in the market for an efficient but not too costly to operate space heater. Some day soon maybe the mess up here can all be moved down and out of sight 8).

Anyway, here's another grad quilt that was completed for one of last year's graduates. Easiest of the three that were done:

Fun to do ~ Grad # 7

A peek at the back

Lazy overall meander quilting

Also finished a couple knitted baby bonnets, one pair of booties and am working on a second pair of booties. Hope to finish those before the baby arrives. Kinda fun not knowing if it's a boy or a girl, but makes for double the knitting to be prepared for either. Still have four quilts to be bound, one that needs some repair work because my machine choose to skip all kinds of stitches when I was quilting. One top that needs quilting, two in the process of being made and one in the thinking stages. As I said .... no lack of UFO's and things to be done!

So with that and 'til next time, I'm still


  1. That's a nice finish Ann! I don't remember ever seeing this pattern -- did you design it? Keep up the good work. I hope you can be enjoying your new "studio" soon! Oooh -- love the backing on that quilt.

  2. I should have given credit where credit is due. It's a framed 9 patch. This is the link for the pattern:

    Only disappointment was not enough dark fabric to use it the way I would have liked ~ that changed the look of it completely. : )
